our roots

Why Hello, I’m Erica.


Moving into a tiny downtown apartment a few years ago meant I had dramatically less space.  With no storage and limited shelving, I had little room for anything, but knew plants would add to my space. I quickly became a crazy plant lady as I realized how much they made my apartment feel bigger and more alive.

I quickly became an adopter of plants. I adopted, killed, learned about, and raised a huge variety of plants. For years, I became a local unofficial plant consultant. I became the person people called for plant advice.

It took me years to get the process and designs I have down. I went through so many iterations. As I improved my process and design, I also got better at keeping plants alive.

It took me years to get the process and designs I have down. I went through so many iterations. As I improved my process and design, I also got better at keeping plants alive.

As I acquired more plants, I knew I had to use my vertical space if I was going to make my home feel like a jungle.  Living in a small space means every item you own should either be functional or beautiful- preferably both. I scoured the internet, in search of planters with drainage and capable of holding large plants. The problem was no one made the planters I saw in my head. I wanted geometric art hanging around my apartment, dripping with leaves and green. 

I designed and created a few planters and posted a few on my Instagram.  I was overwhelmed by the positive responses I received.  People started buying my planters.  I got better at making them.  I learned about tools and took a full time welding class for a few months.  I tried different metals and designs.  


I never would have guessed I'd have a website and be making sales online a few years ago.  I want to make it a place where I share plant tips, failures, feature other products for plant lovers as well. 

Thank you for joining this journey!

The first makers market I ever did!
