Book a plant consultant

Looking to fill your space with plants but are unsure where to start?

We’ve got your back.

Indoor plants literally add life to a space, add aesthetically, can help you work your best, and even have scientifically proven health benefits. GrowHive offers a variety of interior landscaping methods and services that will enhance your home or workspace.

There is a lot to consider before filling your space with plants. What are your goals? How much attention are you willing to give them? How much light do you have in your space? What plants will aesthetically add to your space?

We blend your personal plant profile with interior design principles and methodology to figure out which plants will be right for you.

Online Option

First, you can take our online plant profiler for $50 to get you started with the right types of plants for you. This online questionnaire takes about 5 minutes for you to fill out and will give you a list of plants that may be right for your space.

Personal Consultation

If you’re looking for a more hands on approach, we also offer in person (or through facetime) plant consultation. Click here to get our prices and packages or schedule a time below.